Upcoming October offerings for Graduate Students from Academic Success

Grad Orientation

Making the Most of your Grad Experience: Student Life Resources, Getting Involved and Strategies for Academic Success Webinar, September 27, 6-7:30 pm

Workshops for Grad Students

Putting Learning Strategies into Practice, October 6, 1-2 pm

Creating a Flexible and Realistic Schedule in Grad School , October 10, 4-5 pm

Reflective Learning Conversations, October 1320,  2–3 pm

Mapping Your Grad Success Path: Practical Goal Setting, October 17, 11 am–12 pm

Grad Connection: Impostor Phenomenon, October 19, 12-1:30 pm

Mindful Reading: Increase Confidence and Reduce Procrastination, October 19, 2-3:30 pm

Strategies for Expressing Your Ideas in Group Discussions , October 19, 6-7:15 pm

Dealing with Stress: What You Think, Feel, and Do Matters!, October 25, 1-2 pm

Mindful Reading: Strategic Skimming and Skipping, October 26, 2-3:30 pm

Overcoming the Messaging that your English “Isn’t Good Enough”, October 26, 6-7:30 pm

Write Fright!!! for Grad Students , October 31,  4-5 pm

Groups for Grad Students

All grad students in all disciplines are welcome in these supportive, positive groups. Groups run every week the university is open.

Grad Writing Groups

  • Weekly facilitated groups to share writing goals for any writing project and work in supportive community on a regular basis.
  • Twelve times to choose from, six days a week, including evening and hybrid options.
  • See the schedule
  • Email gwg@utoronto.ca to register
  • Accessibility Section GWG CLNx to register

Grad Productivity Groups – Actually Work From Home!

  • Work on any academically related task (e.g. coding, graphs, reading, email) in these drop-in weekly facilitated groups.
  • Five times to choose from, five days a week, including one evening and one hybrid option.
  • Register for any group in CLNx
  • Accessibility Section  CLNx to register

Inquiries: Dr. Andrea Graham  ak.graham@utoronto.ca

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