Winter term important dates
Important dates include registration, payment, coursework, final submission and graduation deadlines, grades availability, and university-wide holiday closures. View complete 2024-25 sessional dates on the SGS Calendar website.
Winter Reading Week | Some Faculties offer a Winter session reading week, although SGS regulations do not require this. For example, the Faculty of Arts and Science Winter session reading week takes place from February 17 to 21. To find out if your Faculty has a reading week, please contact them directly. |
Feb 17 | Family Day (University closed)(2) |
Feb 28 | Final date to drop full-year and Winter session courses without academic penalty(9) |
March Convocation | March Convocation (no ceremony) information is posted on the Convocation website |
April | For the last day of Winter session classes, consult your graduate unit(s) |
April 11 | For master’s students intending to graduate in the June convocation, final date to complete degree requirements and, if required, to submit approved theses to ProQuest(7) |
April 11 | For doctoral students intending to graduate in the June convocation, final date to submit defended and approved theses to ProQuest(6) |
April 11 | Students dually registered in the Winter session must complete their master’s degree requirements by this date to maintain their PhD registration(7)(12) |
April 18 | Good Friday (University closed)(2) |
April 30 | Payment deadline to avoid service charges on unpaid Fall/Winter (September to April) session tuition and non-tuition fees for students who have successfully registered without payment because they are receiving a full funding package via a research stipend, a major award or scholarship, teaching assistantships, and/or sponsorships. Monthly service charges will begin accruing on May 15.(8) |