June 2024: Upcoming Gradlife events

Grad Workshop: Navigating Impostor Phenomenon
June 11, 12-1 PM
Online event
Join your peers for an open, honest discussion about navigating impostor phenomenon in grad school and evidence-based ways to build academic confidence. Share your experiences in an informal, safe setting and learn about campus resources that may be helpful. Facilitated by Jennifer Pinker, Student Life Coordinator, Graduate Programs, and Ellyn Kerr, Learning Strategist, Grad and Professional Programs.

Find out more and register.

Grad Escape: Boardgames
June 13, 5-6:30 PM
Sidney Smith Hall SS 556, 100 St. George Street
Join Gradlife Ambassadors as they facilitate a series of fun, low-stakes online games for you and your fellow grad students to enjoy. Get ready to play! Facilitated by the Gradlife Peer Ambassador. Refreshments available.

Register today!

Lemonade Social
June 18, 4-5:30 PM
Centre for International Experience Yard, 33 St. George Street
Relax and mingle with other grad students while enjoying lemonade and refreshments.

Join us at CIE.

Grad Workshop: Getting Involved in Co-Curricular Activities as a Grad Student
June 19, 12-1 PM
Online event
Do you want to learn about ways that you can get involved on campus beyond your department and develop skills at the same time? We will highlight some ways and give you time to share with other students. Facilitated by the Jennifer Pinker, Student Life Coordinator, Graduate Programs.

Learn more and register.

Grad Services Campus Tour

June 24, 12-1 PM
School of Graduate Studies, 63 St. George Street
Check out the services and offices that cater specifically to graduate students on the St. George campus! Facilitated by the Gradlife Coordinator and Gradlife Ambassador.

Join us on campus.

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