Upcoming Academic Success Offerings for Grad Students



Relate & Respond: Managing Supervisor Communications & Feedback (for Research Masters and PhDs)
December 4, 3:30-4:45 pm 

Stop Procrastinating! for Gad Students 
December 5, 4-5 pm 

Tools & Tech Talk – Sharing-Space Discussion for Grad Students on Productivity & Workflow Tools
December 8, 2-3 pm

Review & Renew: Past-year reflection & new-year visioning
December 11, 2-4 pm


Winter Orientation: Making the Most of your Graduate Experience
January 8, 6-8 pm 

Writing and Productivity Groups for Grad Students 

All grad students in all disciplines are welcome in these supportive, positive groups.

Grad Writing Groups (GWG)

“Having a predictable time/space/group to support that work was INVALUABLE. I rave about it and suggest it to everyone I meet!” GWG participant

  • Weekly facilitated groups to share writing goals for any writing project and work in supportive community on a regular basis.   
  • Select one or more groups. Online or hybrid. See the GWG schedule under how the program works.
  • Email gwg@utoronto.ca to register, or accessibility section CLNx to register 

Grad Productivity Groups (GPG) – Actually Work From Home!  

“I was not expecting the community to be so warm and inclusive, and I was not expecting a change of mindset towards accepting that progress is progress no matter what it looks like.” GPG participant

  • Get your work done in these motivating drop-in facilitated groups.   
  • Five days a week, online or hybrid.
  • Register for any group in CLNx, accessibility section CLNx .

Inquiries: Andrea Graham ak.graham@utoronto.ca

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