Online workshop: Answering Frequently Asked Questions about Wills and Powers of Attorney

Answering Frequently Asked Questions about Wills and Powers of Attorney

Date: January 31
Time: 12-1:30 pm
Location: The Zoom meeting link will be shared with you via email prior to the session start time.
Facilitator: Steve Offenheim has been practicing law since 1994, and services wills and estates clients across Ontario.

More than 50% of adult Canadians don’t have a will. Most adults know that they should have a will. For a variety of reasons, many people put this off. Often, the process seems overwhelming. During his almost 30 years of wills and estate practice, Steve has encountered many repeated questions, and his seminar will provide some of those answers, to help demystify the process. He will be available at the end of the session to answer questions as well.

Registration required. University of Toronto students, staff, postdoctoral fellows and faculty are welcome. Partners and family members (including chosen family members) who are co-caregivers with U of T students, staff, postdoctoral fellows and faculty are also welcome to attend. If you have any access needs to ensure your full participation in this event, please contact the Family Care Office and and we will make appropriate arrangements.

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