January 2024 offerings from Academic Success

Give your new year a terrific start!


Strategies for Expressing Your Ideas in Group Discussions
January 11, 6-7:15 pm

Build Your Productivity Toolkit 
January 16, 4-5:30 pm

Overcoming the Messaging that Your English “Isn’t Good Enough”
January 18, 6-7:30 pm

3MT (Three-Minute Thesis) Prep for Everyone
January 18, 9-10:15 am
January 26, 3-4:30 pm

Confidence, Complexity, and Challenge
January 25, 3:30-4:45 pm

How to Take Notes like a Grad Student 
January 30 4-5 pm

Writing and Productivity Groups for Grad Students

All grad students in all disciplines are welcome in these supportive, positive groups.

New! Log in to CLNx and visit the Grad Groups Calendar.

 Graduate Writing Groups

“Having a predictable time/space/group to support that work was INVALUABLE. I rave about it and suggest it to everyone I meet!” – GWG participant

  • Weekly facilitated groups to share writing goals for any writing project and write on a regular basis in a supportive community.
  • Select one or more groups. Online or hybrid. See the schedule under ‘how the program works’.
  • Email gwg@utoronto.ca to register, or accessibility section: CLNx to register

Grad Productivity Groups – Actually Work from Home!

“I was not expecting the community to be so warm and inclusive, and I was not expecting a change of mindset towards accepting that progress is progress no matter what it looks like.” – GPG participant

  • Get your work done in these motivating drop-in facilitated groups.
  • Five days a week, online or hybrid.
  • Register for any group by logging in to CLNx and go to Grad Groups Calendar, accessibility section: CLNx to register

Inquiries: Andrea Graham ak.graham@utoronto.ca

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