Accessing the credit on your student fees account

If you have a credit balance on your student account, you may request a refund of those funds by following the steps below:

  • Check your ACORN account under the Finances tab (ACORN How-to guide, look under Finances) to ensure that you have valid Canadian bank account information saved.
  • Ensure your mailing address on ACORN is still valid (in addition to your permanent mailing address) in the Profiles & Settings section, under the Address tab (see the last bullet below regarding international mailing addresses).
  • Ideally, set your banking information valid date to 2699 if you do not see any changes in the foreseeable future.
  • Complete the University Registrar’s Office Request a Refund Form.
  • Note: Cheques to international addresses may not be advisable as they are held by the University Registrar’s Office and not mailed out. Pick-up of these cheques may be arranged by appointment only. Additionally, there may be challenges with cashing the cheques outside of Canada as these funds can only be issued to you in Canadian dollars.
  • For more information, visit the Student Account website.

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