Flexible Futures programming for March

March 9 l 9:30 – 10:30am l Building an Online Presence (Masters, PhDs, PDFs)

Having an online presence is important in the current labour market.  A large percentage of networking and recruiting takes place online and  having an online presence allows you to communicate your professional identify to perspective employers, mentors, collaborators and recruiters.

In this session, you will identify the key elements of your professional identity (your research, expertise, etc.) that you would like to represent online. We will discuss different resources and online platforms that will help you connect with your target audience.

March 20 l 1:00 – 2:00pm l Applying for Work (Masters, PhDs, PDFs)

In this session, you will learn strategies for approaching and optimizing your job search strategy, with a focus on how to create effective applications (resumes and cover letters).

Additionally, the CxED Career Resource Library also includes 4 guides as part of the suite of supports for PhDs and PDFs seeking academic work.  

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