Do you know about the Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision?

The Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision (CGMS) opened its doors in November 2021 with a mandate to support successful graduate supervisory and mentorship relationships. Since then, CGMS has provided 350 plus consultations, facilitated discussions, coaching sessions, and follow up consultations. We have delivered many in-unit workshops, to both graduate student and graduate faculty audiences, and established two standing workshops that we offer within CGMS.

Contact us for a consultation, and together we can unpack the unique factors in your situation, and develop a path forward. Or, view the CGMS calendar and join one of our workshops: learn about conflict and its escalation and resolution, or how to have a difficult conversation with a supervisor or colleague. Make us your partner as you manage situations great or small. At CGMS, your situation matters, we can help, contact us.

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