Dec 15: Flagship Pioneering Artificial Intelligence Summer Fellowship Workshop

The Flagship Pioneering Artificial Intelligence Summer Fellowship offers a unique opportunity to work on AI innovation and venture creation to accelerate breakthrough innovations in health and sustainability.  This one-hour, in-person workshop, hosted by the Acceleration Consortium, is designed to familiarize graduate students and postdocs who have strong machine learning experience with the details of the fellowship program (full-time 12-week from June 5, 2023 to August 25, 2023).  In addition, Flagship Pioneering will share information on the application process ahead of the January 12, 2023 closing date.

Flagship Pioneering is a venture creation firm based in Cambridge, MA that builds life-changing companies (including the now familiar drug and vaccine innovator Moderna). Flagship has created over 100 scientific ventures over the past 22 years.

The workshop will be followed by a one-hour networking session with Flagship Pioneering scientists and entrepreneurs who are focused on ML innovation and company creation.

When: Thu, Dec 15, from 2 to 4 pm (in-person)
Where: 40 St. George St., Bahen Centre for Information Technology
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