Cryptography and security: 30 years of evolving knowledge and technology

March 28, 3:30-5 pm
Rotman School of Management, Room L1035, 95 St. George Street (map)
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The internet essentially began 30 years ago, with the December 1994 release of Netscape Navigator as the first mainstream commercial web browser. This began the steady transition of cryptography and security from the realm of fringe university research topics and a niche industry sector to major subject areas and technologies underpinning essential components of modern society.

In this special in-person event, Schwartz Reisman Institute (SRI) Research Lead David Lie will host Paul Van Oorschot, professor of computer science at Carleton University, for a talk taking us through selected highlights along this journey, with an eye to the evolution of research, educational curricula, and industries whose focus is cryptography and security technology.

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