Centre for Learning Strategy Support – May offerings

Where to find us as of May 1

Academic Success = Centre for Learning Strategy Support
As of May 1, Academic Success is now called the Centre for Learning Strategy Support.
Same service, same people, same place! New name.

CLNx = Folio
As of May 1, workshop and programming registration takes place in a new registration system called Folio instead of CLNx.

To register for our programs and services in Folio:

  1. Log in to Folio.
  2. Select “Learning Strategy Support” on the left — and register for any of the following offerings!


The Motivation Equation Series continues:

Value – Reclaim Academic Joy, Beat Burnout, Overcome Overwhelm
May 13, 5-6 PM
Inquiries: ellyn.kerr@utoronto.ca

Grad Connections: Imposter Phenomenon in Grad School
May 14, 6-6:30 PM
Inquiries: ellyn.kerr@utoronto.ca

Cultural Humility: Relating Indigenous Perspectives
May 15, 1-2 PM
Inquiries: a.wickremasinghe@utoronto.ca

Project Management for Grad Students
May 16, 3:30-5 PM
Inquiries: ak.graham@utoronto.ca

Creating a Flexible and Realistic Schedule in Grad School
May 21, 4-5 PM
Inquiries: v.sheldon@utoronto.ca

Grad Journal Club: Learning-Research Discussions for Grads
May 28, 5-6:30 PM
Inquiries: ellyn.kerr@utoronto.ca

Ongoing weekly

Writing Groups and Productivity Groups

All grad students in all disciplines are welcome in these supportive, positive, popular sessions. Click on group titles to learn more.

Grad Writing Groups
Join a weekly group. See the times under ‘how the program works.’
Email gwg@utoronto.ca to register. Or, to join an accessibility section, log into Folio after May 1.

Grad Productivity Groups – Actually Work From Home
Log in to Folio after May 1 to browse and register for any group, anytime.
Inquiries: ak.graham@utoronto.ca

Join our listserv!

Graduate students, staff and faculty are invited to join the Grad Student Success listserv to receive regular, advance notice of workshops and programming designed specifically for graduate and second-entry professional students. We are delighted with the response to this.

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