Academic Success: March offerings for graduate students


Mindful Reading: Increase Confidence and Reduce Procrastination 
March 7, 2-3:30 pm 

3MT Prep for 2024 Competitors (3 sessions)
Three-Minute Thesis group coaching for research stream master’s and doctoral students 

March 8, 3-4:30 pm
March 13, 9-10:15 am
March 19, 4-5:30 pm 

Alleviate Burnout & Revive Academic Energy 
March 11, 4-5:15 pm 

Mindful Reading: Strategic Skimming and Skipping 
March 14,  2-3:30 pm 

Write Fright!!!
March 20, 3-4:30 pm 

Mindful Reading in a Digital Age: PDF’s to Podcasts 
March 21, 2-3:30 pm 

The Art of Backwards Planning in Grad School
March 26, 4-5 pm

Writing and Productivity Groups for Grad Students

All grad students in all disciplines are welcome in these supportive, positive groups.

Log in to CLNx and go

 Graduate Writing Groups 

“Having a predictable time/space/group to support that work was INVALUABLE. I rave about it and suggest it to everyone I meet!” GWG participant

Grad Productivity Groups – Actually Work From Home!  

“I was not expecting the community to be so warm and inclusive, and I was not expecting a change of mindset towards accepting that progress is progress no matter what it looks like.” GPG participant

Inquiries: Andrea Graham

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