2024 SSHRC Storytellers is open for submissions- Jan. 16 deadline
SSHRC has launched its annual Storytellers Contest, a challenge directed to postsecondary students to creatively show Canadians, in up to three minutes or 300 words, how social sciences and humanities research is impacting our lives, our world and our future for the better.
Task: To tell the story, in English, French or both, (in 3 minutes or 300 words, and can be a text, infographic, audio or video file which must not exceed 200 megabytes) of a research project or initiative funded by SSHRC and carried out at the institution at which the contestant is enrolled at the time of submission. The submission must be an entirely original work created by the contestant, and the contestant must have all necessary rights in and to the submission.
Award: Twenty (20) finalists in Phase 1 of the contest will receive a $3,000 cash prize and will be asked to attend SSHRC’s Research Communications Workshop, which will happen online before Finalists present to the jury in Phase 2. Five (5) Phase 2 submissions will be selected as Final Winners, and they will each receive an additional cash prize of $1,000.
Deadline to submit is January 16, 2024, 8:00 p.m. (eastern). For inspiration, see winning entries from previous years in the Storytellers Gallery.
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