Call for submissions: SAGE & ISA Student Symposium
We are pleased to announce that SAGE UT (Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement) and the Indigenous Student Association (ISA) at U of T are pleased to announce our first collaborative student symposium.
Are you an Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) university student? Are you passionate about community building and promoting the work of Indigenous academics? Do you want to teach, learn from your peers and network with other Indigenous students and scholars?
This symposium is interdisciplinary, and we welcome Indigenous students from all disciplines to apply. Both graduate and undergraduate applications are being accepted. Presentations can be research, a thesis, a community project, or pitch an interactive panel such as a makerspace, land-based activities, tea and learn, or creative writing – we aim to provide a space for Indigenous students to share their work and build community. Panelists are welcome to apply individually or as a group.
Themes will emerge from the applications we receive, as opposed to being dictated by the call.
Location: St. George campus, U of T
Opening reception: February 28
Sessions: March 1
Deadline for submissions: January 24
Email submissions to:
Submissions will be accepted through January 24 by 11:59 p.m. EST. All submissions will be refereed. They must include the author’s name and position; full affiliation including email and telephone; a brief bio; presentation title, and an abstract of no more than 300 words for individual submissions and no more than 500 words for panels/sessions.
***Five early bird submissions will be reviewed for those needing to plan travel in advance! Please indicate early bird submissions in your email.***