Workshop for new doctoral candidates – January 22
If you have recently achieved doctoral candidacy, you may be wondering, what happens next? Join the Centre for Graduate Professional Development at the School of Graduate Studies for a new workshop to learn about navigating candidacy on January 22 at 12 p.m.
The period after you finish your coursework and comprehensive/qualifying exams is an exciting time to focus on your research. However, candidacy also presents new challenges: increased solitary work, enhanced responsibility for your time management, and, of course, thesis writing. This workshop is designed to help with the transition to candidacy by covering topics such as establishing greater independence as a scholar, managing your time, getting the feedback you need, understanding thesis writing, and finding key information about program completion, funding, supervisory support and career planning.
This workshop is intended for any U of T doctoral student who has recently achieved candidacy in their program. Read more about the workshop and register.