Mar 9: Inclusion of Young People with Disabilities in the Future of Work
Join us for this event on the future of work with Dr. Arif Jetha, a scientist at the Institute for Work & Health and Associate Professor (status-only) at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.
The future of work refers to the large-scale interrelated technological, sociopolitical, and environmental trends that are rapidly transforming all aspects of work. For young people living with a disability, the future of work offers potential benefits and emerging barriers to sustained employment. Drawing from ongoing research at the Toronto-based Institute for Work & Health, this presentation will aim to build a better understanding of the future of work and its implications for the inclusion of young people with disabilities in the labour market. Dr. Jetha will also discuss strategies and recommendations to support the employment of young people living with disabilities as they enter and advance within the working world.