Moving Forward: Summer orientation program for students with disabilities

Moving Forward is a summer transition program specifically designed for new, incoming students who self-identify as having disabilities and who are entering any level of post-secondary education at any institution. This program is also for students with disabilities who have not yet attended a Moving Forward event.

This year we are hosting a two-day orientation event for our Moving Forward Summer Transition Program:

  • This event will occur on Monday August 29 and Tuesday August 30 and take place from 9:00AM-3:00PM each day.
  • Registrants will be able to choose to either join us virtually over Zoom or in person. The event will include multiple sessions with both large group and breakout room opportunities.
  • Breaks will be incorporated in the event.
  • Students are encouraged to attend the full two days of programming to make the most of event.
  • This two-day event will include the opportunity to meet a number of Accessibility Services staff members, take part in an in-person office visit, and/or go on a virtual campus tour.

We hope to see you there!

Register for Moving Forward via CLNx

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